Just gonna try to join as a evil ranger Name: Zendra Venos Age: 17 Appearence: [img=http://content.latest-hairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Purple-Haircolor-With-Straight-Punk-Hairstyle.jpg] Ranger Color: psycho Purple Ranger Costume: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Hk6k7sG.jpg[/IMG] Ranger Zord: (unknown) Ranger Weapon: [img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pScx8BN4h3s/TTA0k12if4I/AAAAAAAAK_Q/RelcYgOuBCg/s1600/secret+six+29-09.jpg] Personality: Zendra is a loner, she always sees herself as the outcast, rough up bringing mixed with self confidense issues are a bad match, only feels confident in her suit. Crush: Relationship Status: Bio: backstory: Zendra comes from a strict and rough house hold, often taking verbal abuse from her mother and worse from her father, this caused her for most of her childhood to be a meek, quite girl, that was until her father died when she was 6, this caused a even bigger rift between her and her mother and in turn caused Zendra to start acting out and becoming a problem child. when she was 15 she was sent away to live with her grand mother, she started to become worse since her grand mother could not control her, one night Zendra was out wondering the streets at night with other kids like herself causing trouble, when they spotted what looked like moving darkness. the other kids ran scared but Zendra did not move, staring into the darkness that was infront of her, it was then she meet who she sees as her father figure Michael Tinieblas. after that meeting that changed her she was taken to be trained, it was gruling and painful often times maddening but after it was over Zendra stood at the side of her master...as the psycho purple ranger.