Hot Rod laughed almost hysterically at her joke and was nearly doubled over. "I happen to be married to a very beautiful woman, but of course I haven't introduced myself. I am Hot Rod, also known as America's favorite superhero" he said with his smile. If she didn't know who he was then he guessed that she must not watch too much TV or keep up on hero work because he was really famous. It still a surprise to him when he met someone who didn't know who he was. --- Ocean Warrior was swimming through the waters of the Mississippi river at incredible speeds heading straight for the city of Chicago to go to his first meeting with the League of superheroes. He had swum up the great river from the gulf of Mexico and then went up the Illinois river towards the city. The journey was long but it was better than traveling by land and he wasn't willing to get a ride or fly in a plane to get to his destination. Eventually the Chicago came into view and Finn swam up to the coat of the large river and hoped out of the water. He held his staff firmly in his hands and wondered what it would be like to socialize with people who were different like, people who didn't resemble normal humans. Finn couldn't see the headquarters from the shore of the river and decided that he would have to search through the city for his destination. He wasn't a fan of going through cities because of terrible smell and air pollution that would sometimes come with human urban areas. Finn crouched down a little bit and then leaped into the air, easily flying over buildings as he reached the peak height of his jump. He jumped from one building to another that far off away from the last, his jumping abilities were astounding thanks his superhuman strength do him surviving at some of the most darkest and dangerous depths in the ocean where steel would bend. After about a minute of leaping from one building to another, he saw the Hall of Heroes come into view and with one last jump, Finn landed right in front of the entrance, causing the ground to shake slightly and made several close by gave frightened gasps at his sudden appearance. "Whose that?" a woman asked. "Oh it's Ocean Warrior" one man answered with a sigh of relief. "What?! they let him into the league? What the hell can he do that's useful? He just talks to fish, what's he gonna do give them a free seafood dinner?" another man said rudely, and Finn glared at him angrily. He wanted nothing more than to blast the man with a small beam of heat from his trident, but he chose against such action and headed into the Hall of Heroes. He looked around the place and was surprised by the sight of so many heroes, he had seen and worked with his fair share but this was much more than he expected.