Ariel narrowed her own crimson eyes right back at the demon. Why should she put up with any of this? She could kill them both in a heartbeat! Still, she clung to her last shred of calm and allowed Sasha to speak once more. "Go ahead," she dared. "This doesn't change anything." Sasha ignored her to look back up at the demon. "Death works in strange ways," she began. "I've been around long enough to get a good guess of how her powers work. Normally, she's able to kill anyone upon mere contact with herself. Usually. However, there are certain people who don't immediately die when they do touch her. These people are spared....because their deaths are already written for them." Sasha paused to let that little revelation sink into the demon's head. If that were the case....then the reason Ariel couldn't defend herself against Tina and Megan from before...was because she had already a decided earlier when and how they would die. Then that meant...Zendra would....