[center][b][i]CloudHaven[/i][/b][/center] In the CloudHaven Tavern, Kevin Stonefall calmly poured a man a large glass of beer and slide it across the counter to him. The young adult wasn't one for loud places, but his workspace was usually always rowdy. The past few days had been like a broken record, just repeat... Repeat..... Repeat. He would wake up, and go straight downstairs and get to work. His apartment was right upstairs, he was hired by a npc to work in the tavern while he went on a trip to see his family in Skyrest. Kevin was already sick of the job. He wanted to do [i]more.[/i] He heard about guilds forming, dedicated to going down, into the monster infested dungeons. That's what he wanted to do, if there was a way out, he was certain it was through the dungeons. Kevin sighed, and decided to close shop. The customers didn't like that, seeing as it was in the middle of the day. "Sorry folks, I'm quitting, I got more important events to attend to." Stonefall quickly left the tavern, and equipped his bate attire, it was got to know he had his sword on him. The PKers were starting to run rampant, now that they knew that no one could really leave. Kevin was drawn to the bustling market, he had some coin to spend, his 2 day job payed him well enough. He moved through the crowd, glad that he could see over most of them. He probably stuck out like a sore thumb, 6'4" with blood red hair. The young adult quickly bought the items that he wanted for the plan he had in mind. He had a healing potion, energy pills, and some food and clothes for travel. Kevin was drawn from his shopping towards a commotion about a performer. Stonefall thought, 'that's very gallant of him. To do that in front of all those people, in a world where there nothing matters besides your own life.' Kevin had nothing but respect for that guy. He even decided to watch. Two women caught his eye, they weren't NPC's. Stonefall moved closer, "He's a very skilled performer," he commented, to get their attention. Once he grabbed both of their gazes, if they so wished to lay their eyes upon him he would say, "I'm Kevin Stonefall, nice to meet you m'ladies." He would flash them a wide grin, but would then become serious. "Have you ladies heard of any of the guilds around here? I'm looking to join one, strength in numbers right?" Kevin doubted that they actually knew any guilds, but this was the first human interaction he had in this game. It was kind of nice to talk to people who had actual feelings and thoughts. The young man wondered what class they were, he knew that the system allowed for custom classes. This really amazed him, come to think of it, he had no idea what his class was. He pulled up his menu and looked under the "Character" section. It said that he was an Elemental Warrior, that seemed interesting. His skill list seemed well enough for a beginner. Of course, he never fought in the game yet. Death was an ever looming fear for Kevin. If he died, it all just...ended. Well, he would make sure it wouldn't happen!