As Vi entered the shop, Pearl pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, and attempted to pat away the dog slobber on his face. “Good morning Vivienne, how may I be of service?” The young girl responded by presenting a carton of eggs upon the counter, which Pearl began investigating immediately. Each egg was plump and looked appetizing. Though Pearl’s eyes are fixated on the eggs, his ears focused on Vi. He occasionally offers a hum of acknowledgement as she spoke to reassure her that he was paying attention. Content with his survey of the eggs, Pearl turned his glance to Vi with a smile. “I’ll happily purchase fifteen of these fine eggs.” Opening up his register, Pearl collects and counts some money, and then hands it to Vi. With the register still open, Pearl then counts out more money and hands it G’s way to ensure the blacksmith is properly compensated for his work too. Focusing back to Vi, Pearl noticed a sparkle in her eyes as she asks about the new boots that arrived a short time ago. Vi’s enthusiasm rubbed off on Pearl as he let out a chuckle. “Give a moment,” the shopkeeper stepped away from the counter for a moment, and retrieved a fine pair of boots. Returning to the counter, Pearl remembered the soot on his station, so he abruptly turned and placed the boots on a shelf near a tag that reads ‘Peck’. “Here they are Vivienne, these will stay here until you’re ready to trade for them. Feel free to come by later with anything you’re willing to exchange and I’m certain we will come to an arrangement.” He gave Vi a friendly wave, “pleasure doing business with you… oh, and when you see Leon, please tell him that his order arrived.”