[center][b][u]CloudHaven||Market District [/b][/u] Affected players: Prince, Chrys "Walking" Through the crowded area, an odd figure was trying to push her way out. This exact player had been staying at a small inn nearby. When she had left the place, it had been decently late into the day (in regards to waking times at least) and thus, most people were already about heir business. Unfortunately for her, this meant she had to get through their business, just to find her own. Doing a remarkable job of passing between people, the small figure managed to slip through small gaps, and hardly even had to brush shoulders with others. She gave an "excuse me" her and a "pardon..." there, rooting (get it) through the bodies and heading for the less densely packed road towards the gardens. Just as she thought she may actually manage to get through without hitting anybody, a sudden step back from a large man knocked her off balance, she tripped and stumbled low, still frantically dodging people, until she finally failed. Hitting a strong leg with her head and an "oomf" she landed on the ground. Her "feet" were obviously uprooted now, and gave a cold and somewhat unnatural feeling to her. It seemed this body hated being away from the ground. She looked up, rubbing the side of her head. To the person he had collided with. Finding a very tall man, with tanned skin, red hair, and a gleaming eye. With her mouth somewhat agape she just took him in. Reading the man over with her berry pink eyes. "Uhh..." Was all she managed to say. The man was either so large to her (or so captivating) she did not notice the smaller boy at his opposite side.[/center]