[b][i][u]This RP Will Die in One Page[/u][/i][/b] `````***(---!I will accept anything.!!***---````` Hey guys, I have this idea I'm working on. It'll be an [b]epic badass[/b] storyline that'll be made up as we go with lots of mystery, glory, and salty burning tears. Your characters can be literally anything, anyone, and go anywhere (but if you leave the group, I will kill you off). Every player can have 20-(8[i]sideways[/i]) characters. The genre will be whatever my faithful playing peons desire, all at once. We'll call it a "cross-over." Japanese psychic girl, school girl, professional wrestler, changling, God, Fate, that Egyptian thing with a dog head, zombie, Zombie Ned Stark, Ender, Orson Scott Card, the entire cast of Guardians of the Galaxy, Azathoth, Typhoid Mary, Han Solo, Pan, Wesley from Next Gen, a planet's army with one mind, the Hulk, Pinkie Pie, Pewdiepie, Dora's backpack, a hat, doesn't matter. Make something. I will accept it. This is our noise: [youtube]RZ-uV72pQK[/youtube] Rules: [b]∞.[/b] Screw all those rules. 1. No Mr. Rodgers without body tattoos of flames, wings, and foul language from Urban Dictionary. 2. Pictures plz. No descriptions. 3. Center text randomly. 4. I am GM. I will play favorites. My favorites will change every five min. 5. Say "the", "this", "in", "as", "me", "I", "a", "an", or "to" in your first post to prove you've read this. [center]6. Assholes who complain about "Mary-Sues" and "godmodding" will be killed off and spoken poorly of in the OC.[/center] 7. Bring your nearest animal to the the keyboard to add its thoughts to your posts. 8. CS: Name: Everything Else: [center](pic here)[/center]