[b]Zachary Ince[/b] Zachary pushed his foot down harder on the accelerator, wanting to put as much ground between himself and the walker herd. His mind was racing, his head was spinning. He was having suicidal thoughts after his life-or-death brush with a group of ten plus infected. Zachary assumed if it was that bad there, how bad it must be in more populated areas of the country. But he pushed the thoughts out of his mind and decided to carry on surviving. After hearing the radio broadcast about the supposed 'safe zone' where survivors were being evacuated, it had given him a new lease on life. He passed a sign with 'Camp Pendleton - 40 miles' etched onto it and grinned. He was going to survive the apocalypse, even if it was just for another day. Zachary's mind darted back to the opening stages of the outbreak. He was in college, in a lesson, when the teacher died and reanimated and proceeded to feast on his students. Zachary had leapt out the window and sprinted all the way home, just to find the walkers had already gotten to his family. That's when a supposed psychotic episode took over Zachary's body and he proceeded to grab his baseball bat and beat the nearest walker to a pulp before grabbing other essentials and taking his dad's car and getting out of the chaos. The car turned onto the highway that was littered with burnt out vehicles, some with charred corpses in. There were other bodies just strewn about the road. A few were twitching but they'd been damaged so much that they couldn't move too fast. Zachary slowed his car down so he could easily manoeuvre the debris without causing harm to the car or himself. Then he spotted something that brought a smile to his face. More walkers to kill. Avenge his family. As he got closer though, he saw that they weren't moving around slowly, or groaning. In fact, a couple were holding weapons. They were human! Maybe they had food. God knew Zachary couldn't survive off the meagre two bottles of water and a packet of chips. He stopped the car about five meters from the group before getting out, with his pistol hidden behind his back incase they weren't friendly, and calling out to them. "Hey! Guys!" [b]Dustin Phelps[/b] Dustin gripped his M16A4 assault rifle tighter as the massive group of men, women and children were forcing themselves against the barrier of Marines that stood between them and a couple of helicopters that could evacuate them to safer areas. It pained Dustin to deny them their freedom, but he had his orders and he was going to follow them. The infected had broken through the first line of defence into Camp Pendleton, and were now roaming the base, devouring any poor human in their way. They weren't that far from the flightline, not that far from quite possibly the largest set of humans that most of the walkers would ever encounter. It was then the first couple of Marines noticed the overwhelming horde and began to abandon their positions, saving themselves. As the walkers reached the survivors and began their feast, everybody, the Marines included, panicked. People were running in every direction, and some were headed for the Super Stallions, but they took off before anybody reached them. Dustin raised his assault rifle, looked down the sights at the nearest walker and fired off four rounds. The first three hit it in the chest, but the fourth found it's target and embedded itself in the walker's brain, killing it instantly. Dustin then decided that standing his ground and fighting was a lost cause. Most of the Marines he was stationed with were either walker food or were too scared to fight the horde. The ones who did stay however, were quickly overrun and devoured. Dustin didn't intend on becoming one of them and ran for his life, passing many corpses and running through what seemed to be rivers of blood. He kept a hold of his M16A4 and managed to keep at full sprint, before reaching the residential area of the base. He found a Humvee outside with what seemed to be two fellow Marines. One looked like a First Lieutenant and the other a Gunnery Sergeant, or at least that's what Dustin could see from their insignias. They both outranked him, so Dustin made himself known by saluting both men. "You aren't infected, are you, sir?"