Nelson cruised along the road in his rusty old car. His T-Shirt had specks of blood on it from where he'd just beat a walker half to death with the blood covered crowbar that sat in the passenger seat. Nelson never actually had killed a walker. He could never muster up enough strength to deliver the final, crushing blow. It wasn't that he was afraid. He would have loved to get some kind of revenge on the things that had killed his family. It was just that Nelson ran out of steam before he could raise and drop the crowbar to end the walker's life. He continued on down the road before realising he'd misplaced his gun. Nelson leaned down, opened the glovebox and fumbled through it for a few moments before retrieving his firearm. He looked up to see a walker had stumbled into the road. Nelson swerved in an attempt to miss him but failed. Miserably. The full force of the car slammed into the walker as Nelson jerked the steering wheel violently, trying to shake it off. It was there, on the front, clawing at the window. That's when Nelson saw the tree they were on a collision course with. He slammed on the brakes, but it wasn't enough. The car crashed straight into the tree, crushing the walker's lower half beneath the car, immobilising it. It still clawed at Nelson though. The airbags didn't go off, although Nelson's seatbelt managed to absorb most of the crash. It hadn't acted soon enough though, and Nelson smashed his head into the steering wheel, breaking his nose with a loud [i]crack[/i]. His head was then slammed back into the seat's headrest, dazing Nelson. The scene around him was a total wreck. The windscreen had cracked, all the windows had smashed, Nelson could see out the corner of his eye that the front left tire and snapped inwards and would never work again. Blood covered the entire from of the car, most of it from the walker. Nelson made eye contact with the infected being before finally losing all consciousness, leaving him defenceless.