"My name?" Serena questioned, "My names Jes-." She stopped short. It wasn't the first time she had introduced herself since the game had captured the souls of many gamers. . . But she started to answer it the same way many times. With her real name. They were in the game now though. . . She had best just adopt the name to keep it simple. "I mean, my name is Serena Landsworth! Light Knight at your service." She shrugged off Aeona's hand, did a bow and tried to keep a smile. This woman was. . . Awkward, to say the least. Nice, so far, but awkward to Serena. Serena looked around to see if this woman, Aeona, had traveling companions. . . It did not appear so. "Are you by yourself?" She asked the woman. At this point, Serena was sure she was alone. "If so, you looking for a teammate?" The girl thought she might as well try it. She might say no, but there was never harm in trying. Even with the chance of her being a PK, Serena figured she could just shrug off her damage enough to escape or just batter her enough. "What do you say?" Serena had a look of hope in her eyes as she asked. . .