[b]Reggie - New Orleans/Crashed Vehicle - Alex/Aoife/Nelson[/b] It was an exhausting morning for Reggie and his scouts. After having spent most of the night clearing Outpost's perimeter, the group were running on little more than naps as they made their way through the city. While they had a couple of traveled routes for their usual missions, they had to ensure the main one through The Pub was clear for their upcoming assault. Reggie was prepared to take out a group each morning; It was all too easy for biters to settle in one place. Having entered the city with little fanfare, the scouts were getting slightly restless. Jerry in particular was leading the group in energy and was choosing to spend it all on complaining. "This is absolutely useless," he said, his voice having far surpassed the point of being grating. Reggie had already told the man to shut it, but it wasn't long before the man started up again. "Not a single biter. If any of them stand in our way next week, we'll just plow through them! Reggie, you know we can-" "I [i]know[/i] that plans can go awry. I know what was supposed to be a routine scout ended in the death of one of our own. Do not tell me what is useless, Jerry." Reggie increased his speed, putting a gap between himself and his group. He was not that angry-- more [i]exasperated[/i]. He didn't think they were ready for what was to come, no matter how hard Enrique pushed them. Especially, well... Reggie appreciated the support of women like Aoife and Amanda, but he felt he might have to remove them from the scouts sooner or later. A faint noise interrupted Reggie's thoughts and he stopped in his tracks. He looked around himself, his eyes scanning the street ahead and the surrounding buildings for a source of the noise. It was unusual to hear much beyond the moaning of the undead these days, even in the city. As his group caught up with him, Reggie heard a second noise, this one short and loud. "... That was a pretty big bang," Luke said, voicing Reggie's thoughts. Reggie nodded and gestured down a side road. "We're checking it out. Stick close with me." *** They found the crashed vehicle surrounded by biters. They were hungry ones, growling as they cut themselves on the broken glass to reach whoever was inside. "Jesus Christ," Jerry said, his gun trained on the biters. "No way they survived that." Reggie thought Jerry was right. From what he could see, the car was totaled and drenched in blood. Yet, they couldn't ignore this. "Shit. We're going to have to clear these out." He turned to his group- Jerry, Luke, Aoife, and Alex- and let out a deep breath. "Spread out, but not too much. We are [i]not[/i] letting them come near us. We mow them down." Reggie turned back toward the biters and took a few step backwards. "In position," he said, raising his rifle. "Now--" Reggie fired the first shot. Silently, Luke and Jerry followed suit. As the biters started to fall, they began to move from away from the car and approach the shooters.