Illiac Bay 11:30 PM, 13th of Sun’s Height Blaise Dupont --- Nearly every pirate on Tamriel flew the black flag, with the exception of Hussain the Grey Terror, who’s grey banner inspired fear in the hearts of every Redguard sailor in the late Third Era. Dupont was no exception to that, his flagship [i]La Parfait[/i] often hanged a giant jolly roger on its central mast. It was a sight that most sailors dreaded to see, in the last twenty years of his career, Blaise Dupont was simultaneously one of most hated and feared name on the oceans. Everyone that crossed path with him (and had the luck of surviving) knew one thing, this Breton “captain” bowed down to no one but himself. Dupont shook his head when he thought of his current situation, something of irony to what he was before. Gone was the days of his prime, both his “fleet”and his youth were taken away, piece by piece. Perhaps he was destined for downfall, his ambitions always took his actions too far. In the case of Stros M’Kai, he challenged the whole of the Yokudan Navy, an analog for suicide to his peers. He paid for his recklessness dearly, as his ships and their crew were caught in the crossfire between two naval giants, destroying more than half of his inventory. Dupont would not have thought of this an year ago. Furthermore, he would have snapped when someone mentioned of partnering with a giant sabre cat, no, never in his wildest dreams would he be pleading with a Pahmar-raht for help. “The Commodore” was a rare individual to outsiders of Topal Bay, Dar’nakhet was simply unheard of. However, only a handful of people would know that the two were simply one person, or to be specific, one Khajiit pirate. He was a Pahmar-raht, a large quadruped feline resembling the sabre cats of Skyrim and clad in several worn out pieces of elven armor plates. While his appearance portrayed a feral predator, Dar’nakhet was in fact intelligent and cunning. The Commodore founded his group of Topal Bay pirates, who were simply a collection of water-borne outlaws united in similar pursuits. Dupont’s first impression of them was depreciation, he saw only small boats and nameless raiders, not renowned sailers, operating in a fertile environment. But his impression was soon changed, smaller vessels meant faster traveling and the incognito sea bandits had greater success snatching loots while evading capture. The Commodore’s ships and sailors were vital to Dupont’s plan. Actually, the plan was largely formulated by the Pahmar-raht and his men, which Dupont hated to admit. Sure, it was Dupont who first mentioned the legendary exploits of Ambrose Mackins, when they stumbled upon a stack of the Tamrielic Gazette while raiding a coastal village. It took a lot of convincing for Dar’nakhet to accept Dupont’s proposal, even so, he still questioned risking ships and sailors for some buccaneer turned politician. To make matters worse, they severely underestimated their opposition. Hundreds of lights dotted the distant waters, they were the silhouettes of military ships and they were the obstacles between Dupont and Ambrose. “Walk me through the plans again.” The Commodore’s accented Tamrielic resembled a roar more than common speech. “Breaks-the-tides is swimming under the blockade as we speak, he will give the letter to Ambrose Mackins before daylight.” Dupont explained, he pointed to the far right of the Breton fleet. “Once that happens, we’ll start breaking through. Most of our ships will be disguised as merchant vessels, they will make contact with that cluster of ships, and attack in the confusion. We will take the rest of our ships and go through the gap. If everything goes to plans, we can haul Ambrose’s old bones out before midday.” [hider=Letter to Ambrose] Ambrose Mackins, Its yer old pal Blaise Dupont here. You better remember who in Oblivion I am, because I’m the only one who can save you from the gallows, and I bet your sorry arse that you won’t live pass another week without my help. So here’s the deal, my men will run the blockade first thing in morning light. You get your best mates and all the gold you can carry and fight your way to the docks. Oh, you should start moving those rotten legs of yours, ‘cause I surely ain’t waiting around. [/hider] “Ambrose’s arrogant, greedy but a damn fine pirate.” Dupont continued. “He knows what he’s doing and surely will come to his senses. If he doesn’t, he’ll regret this.” Pausing for a brief second, Dupont mumbled under his breath. “I might regret this”