When arriving back at the hideout Ed put Reddo in her bed. Of course she was to hyper to fall asleep. "Eddy! I want some candy!" Reddo yelled as Ed was almost out the door. She was like a little girl again. She had nothing mean to say, nothing horrible on her mind and she was actually smiling for the first time in ages. "Eddy!" Reddo yelled in a whiny tone out the door. She could walk but with a little limp. "Eddy, I want my candy now." She said walking out into the main hall in front of Ed. Lucky not very many people were there. Reddo had her angry face on. Her arms were crossed, then she began laughing so hard she couldn't breath. She fell to the ground and held her stomach taking gasps of air every few seconds. Finally after a good minutes she stood up, and skipped to the kitchen. "Reddo, what are you doing?" Ed yelled following her. "Getting candy. Duh, what else would I be doing stupid." Reddo replied while flicking Ed's head and laughing. Reddo opened the cabinet and got a big bag of candy out. She unwrapped a sucker and put it in her mouth. "I'll be in my room." she announced singing a little and skipping back to her room.