[i][b]Solace - "My father told me to stand up for what I believe in. I believe in vengeance. Get out of my way."[/b][/i] [hider=Statblock] Female Human Monk(Master of Many Styles) 1 NE Medium Humanoid(Human) [b]Init[/b] +2; [b]Senses[/b] Perception +0 [b]XP:[/b]0 -------------------- [b]DEFENSE [/b] -------------------- [b]AC[/b] 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10. . (+2 Dex) [b]hp[/b] 9 (1d8+1) [b]Fort[/b] +3, [b]Ref[/b] +4, [b]Will[/b] +2 -------------------- [b]OFFENSE[/b] -------------------- [b]Spd[/b] 30 ft. [b]Melee[/b] Unarmed Strike +5 (1d6+5 +1d4 bleed/B) [b]Ranged[/b] -------------------- [b]STATISTICS [/b] -------------------- [b]Str[/b] 20, [b]Dex[/b] 14, [b]Con[/b] 12, [b]Int[/b] 18, [b]Wis[/b] 11, [b]Cha[/b] 11 [b]Base Atk[/b] +0; [b]CMB[/b] +5; [b]CMD[/b] 17 [b]Feats[/b] Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Kirin Style, Bleeding Attack [b]Skills[/b] Climb +9, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Planes) +5, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Spellcraft +5 [b]Languages [/b]Common, Varisian, Shoanti, Tien, Draconic [b]Combat Gear[/b] Zilch [b]Other Gear[/b] Nada -------------------- [b]SPECIAL ABILITIES [/b] -------------------- [b]Racial Stuff:[/b] +2 to two stats. [b]Feats:[/b] Improved Unarmed Strike: Unarmed strikes count as armed. Stunning Fist: 1/day, declare before to hit, if unarmed strike hits, DC 11 or be stunned Kirin Style: Get into style as swift action. As swift action, attempt to identify a creature with a Knowledge check, DC 15+CR. If successful, +2 on saving throws and AC for AoO vs that target till the fight/style ends. Bleeding Attack: 1d4 bleed damage on unarmed strikes. [b]Monk Stuff:[/b] Unarmed Damage: 1d6 on unarmed attacks. AC Bonus: When unarmored and unencumbered, add Wis to AC and CMD... No wis, so no bonus. Fuse Styles: Use two styles at once! Useless with only one style. [b]Traits:[/b] Magical Knack (Magus): +2 CL up to current hit dice with Magus. Metamagic Master: -1 to Metamagic Costs on Shocking Grasp [/hider] [hider=Fluff of the Statblock] Solace was taught the mixed eastern styles of combat from Sunaki (Monk stuff in general, Tien), her Tian-Min godfather, as well as her father's brutal Chelaxian pugilism (Bleeding Attack). However, while she keenly learned the form of Sunaki's martial arts, and began developing her own combination of martial arts, her mother's teachings, with her father's techniques (Kirin Style), her pride and anger prevented her from learning the true art of the monk's ways (Low Wis on a monk). In her youth, before the events precipitating her training by Sunaki and her father's death, her intelligence was her most prominent factor. Her mother, Luminita, attempted to train Solace to be a wizard and scholar, much like herself(Magical Knack and Metamagic Master as well as vast array of Knowledge skills, spellcraft, and Solace's other bonus languages). Solace has not forgotten these lessons despite her hesitation to use them, wishing to use primarily her father's techniques to take vengeance for him. [/hider] And here is the stuff for fellow players, things they would likely know if they keep an eye about the prison/chain gang. [hider=Immediate Background, Apparent Personality, and Appearance] [b]Background:[/b] On a path of bloody vengeance for her father, Solace has left a trail of several bodies in her search for her father's killers. She was arrested for the murders of several lowlifes, who, while scum, did not deserve death in the eyes of the law. [b]Apparent Personality:[/b] In prison, she has demonstrated her overwhelming pride and anger. She is aggressive and easily falls for taunts. With little patience, it is easy to push her buttons. One just has to make sure you can survive her "witty" rebuke. [b]Appearance:[/b] Appearing at first glance as a fit young Varisian of little deviation from the standard, bronze skin and lithe skin with long straight black hair. However, upon closer examination, she shares the piercing small dark eyes, thin arched eyebrows, and sharp nose of her Chelaxian blood. Her body also goes past the nicely taught but still soft appearance often preferred by men of their women and into sharply defined muscles of a harshly strong fighter. She also holds the appearance of someone who hasn't quite learned how to duck but doesn't quite care, bearing several fresh scars in her flesh, one on her brow, another two in her gut, and one on her upper left arm, in addition to an array of old scars and callouses on her hands. [/hider] [hider=Background/Goals/Enemies for GM eyes only. Shame on you.] Long poetic story that I still intend to write up short, her father was a hero, rescuing the town, getting the girl, having a daughter. Then, in his old age, he was killed by the associates of the people he beat that first time, in public view. The people were too afraid to help. That broke Merilia Kasumi Wardroxan quite a bit. She came to hate the people who refused to stand up and fight. She no longer cares about people or the consequences of her actions, and in her rage, she'll kill to get her way. Though her Godfather Sunaki tried to train her to calm her rage, she did not wish to live in peaceful meditation as he taught her, and became "Solace" to wreak her vengeance on her father's killers. Universal Goal: Avenge her father, preferably with his martial style. I'll only pick one of the below goals, retroactively based on what will make the best story. If all the other players are too tame and we need some grandiose objective.. Mastermind Goal: Her anger is a guise that she uses to get her opponents to underestimate her, and "allies" are just opponents who don't know it yet. To get vengeance merely on the killers is far too plain. No. Their homelands should burn too. What "Family" she has left deserves to die, and all the rest of that traitorous village. Genocide has such a lovely ring to it. If the party doesn't get along with my character and she just needs to go.. Redemption Goal: Solace has done terrible things, but not yet unforgivable. A broken girl who finally realizes what she has done to her father's legacy after her death might well turn from the path of evil at her mother or godfather's call, and join them for one last stand against evil. If the party needs an unobtrusive goal because there's too much going on.. Grand Stand Goal: Solace's father was quite a showman. He didn't just defeat the villain, he did it with style to rally their hearts. Solace, however, has a slightly different touch. She'd love to be known worldwide as a dangerous martial artist and magician who defeats her foes with ineffable style. To make the best show, she needs an audience. What would happen, say, if she could kill some of Varisia's most legendary warriors, properly lit of course, atop the Ciphergate or something like that? Enemies: Sunaki: Her Godfather, a heroic monk-type, who would be quite displeased to hear of Solace's actions. Luminita: Mother, a heroic wizard-type, likewise. Whoever killed her father: I'm open to options, got any villain types you've been dying to use? Or shall I come up with some appropriately showy supervillain? :) [/hider]