[center][b][i]CloudHaven || Market District Affected Players: Chrys, Eira[/i][/b][/center] Prince was happily watching the entertainment, humming a soft tune until his ears perked as he sensed something coming at him. First, his instinct wanted him to dodge out of the way, but he soon paused when he caught the glimpse of a falling person who sorta looked like a miniature tree. Soon finding that she smacked her head against his leg. His tail slightly fluffed in his surprise but did not move, soon he relaxed and gave a friendly and slightly concerned smile down to the apparent Druid. Light green skin, pretty pink eyes, makeshift limbs made out of roots. Defiantly a Druid. [b]"My my, hello beautiful maiden of the forest."[/b] Prince purred a greeting before leaning down and held out his free hand. [b]"Are you alright? You took quite the fall there and I'm sure my leg didn't help the impact."[/b] he chuckled, his blue eye curiously looking at her. Eira Glowheart according to her profile. Such a interesting class and one that could prove most useful. He could provide some distraction as she assists them in the quest. Perhaps luck was on their side or all these chance encounters were the start of fate's thread in their adventures. Who could say? [b]"My name is Prince, and this is my fellow companion Chrysanthemum. Excuse me, this may be sudden but I'm not passing up this lovely chance luck has decided to throw me. We and my friend here wish to go on a quest, but we require three people. Don't worry we aren't Pkers or robbers. Even if we were your much too cute to do such a thing to."[/b] he said cheerfully, his smile bright a warm. [b]"But of course your free to refuse. Perfectly understandable."[/b] He assured as he gently gripped her root shift hands. --- [center][url=http://tektek.org/av/1054517][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img539/9787/74Zu1T.png[/img][/url] [u]Inventory[/u] Wooden Harp: 1 Gold: 1[/center]