Neferati giggled with the Princess, spreading her arms to better show her gown. "Thank you! And you are correct, I have always loved the beauty of the Diewesh flower. I had my assistant commission it for a ball my father was having a week from today, but decided an occasion such as this required only the best," she smirked. "And of course, your own gown is marvelous, as usual! You'll have to refer me to whoever did such a wonderful job on the-" Before she could finish, King Laurent Lyseli asked everyone to retreat to the Council Hall. "It appears we may have to continue this another time, my Princess?" --- Prince Bas'jun and Duke Dezmark turned as their King spoke. The two exchanged glances and nodded to one another, as they both began walking to the Hall. The Duke fell in line behind his brother, falling into the gentle procession into the grand gathering place.