[hider=Marcus Williams] [b]Name[/b]: Marcus Williams [b]Age[/b]: 42 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nomadic or sedentary[/b]: Sedentary, leads a small settlement. [b]Weapons[/b]: Machete made from an old mower blade, Old revolver [b]Skills[/b]: Before the apocalypse, he was studying law at a renowned college. He's something of an intellectual, although the apocalypse has hardened significantly. He has extensive knowledge of the old world laws, and since the fall, has studied up in subjects ranging from electronics to agriculture, as well as some black smithing and plumbing. He isn't much of a fighter, but his people skills are strong, knowing how to lead people to the conclusions he prefers. [b]Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?[/b]: He has slightly heightened senses, which serve solely to sense pheromones in the air. This allows him a sort of empathy, so he can sense when people are angry or agitated, even when they don't otherwise show it. It also allows him to manipulate his own pheromones to subtly manipulate others. These mutations manifest as tumorous-looking bulges around his nose and cheeks, which he passes off as just that; tumors. [b]Appearance[/b]: He is tall with thin, dark hair. His face would be almost handsome, if it weren't for the numerous pea-sized tumors on his face. Wearing a relatively intact suit or casual dress clothing, Marcus tries to appear well kept, although that's difficult in the new world. [b]Brief Personality [/b]: Charismatic and optimistic, talking to him belies a certain intelligence, and most are drawn to him as a leader. It is also generally well known that he is self-indulging, although his followers don't seem to mind considering how well he has kept their settlement together. [b]Background[/b]: Born to a well-off family, Marcus spent most of his childhood at a private school, where he was considered gifted and well spoken. As a teenager he grew an interest in law, and worked with his lawyer father to learn the ins and outs before enrolling into law school after graduating. There he was surprised to find he was no longer one of the best and brightest, above average at best. He worked hard and long to surpass his peers, and eventually became well known to his professors. After WW3 began, Marcus tried to continue his studies to the best of his abilities. However, shortly after bombs began to fall, a nearby city was targeted and the college was evacuated, forcing Williams to flee and find safety. He and a small group of his friends stuck together for a few years, suffering through what felt like the apocalypse together, dying slowly. They lived as bandits, preying off the weak and doing acts they regret. Marcus assumed a sort of leadership position after their previous died in an attack by other bandits, leaving only him and three others. They stumbled on a small settlement shortly after, and posed as merchants to enter the small fortified building. What they found surprised them, and they soon settled down. His friends continued to die off, soon leaving only Marcus, and he grew to be something of a local celebrity, teaching the few children around and building a library. Eventually their previous mayor died of dysentery, and he was elected their new leader following a brief election. He runs the growing settlement of seventy people, settled on an emerging trade route. [b]Alone or with someone[/b]: With a good sized group, although some are children and sickly. [b]Other[/b]: The settlement, named Rampart, has around seventy people. Around half are too young, old, or infirm to be of much use beyond keeping watch or assisting in the fields. The rest work fields full time and keep watch. Their armory is scarce, and they rely on pikes and bows heavily. [/hider]