"A pleasure to meet you Robin," The Doctor said chipperly "I am, as Asuka said, The Doctor. These are my companions, Viridian and Asuka. I have to say, that is an astute observation Robin, well done." The Doctor nodded respectfully in Robin's direction before looking down to the sitting Asuka. "I hope my Aikido is up to your expectations," He said to the Japanese fighter "and I also hope you find a worthy challenger, Asuka Kazama of Japan, but at the same time I hope you don't hope it to me..." With that, The Doctor crouched down to stand beside Viridian at his level. "...Because I must agree with Viridian," He explained "I would love the chance to explore this place, and the many doors around it. I was once a tracker by trade, but now a days I find myself trapped in one place. Well, this being the exception of course." Standing back up to full height, The Doctor glanced around and spotted a nearby door with a crest on the top of it-one with thee triangles that formed together to make a pyramid. "That seems like a good place to start." The Doctor commented, pointing out the door in question.