Zaen awoke, and it felt much warmer than it had a moment ago. He got up, and remembered the injection. He realized he had ended up in Hell. He didn't care a bit, but then smiled as he felt his knife. Why would they give him this? Did they [i]want[/i] him to escape? He saw an apparentaly fellow newfoun arrival to Hell go up to what looked to be a Demon Worker, and shoot it in the face. He walked over to him and then past him, and looked about the place. He saw lava, fire, tortured souls, the perfect place for him. He'd been known to kill mostly innocent people and that he felt pleasured when he did so, and that was mostly true. He felt pleasure about kill anybody, but preffered the innocent. he took off his shoe and lightly tapped the edge of the shoe onto a small drop of lava. The rubber burned, and a tiny speck of the shoe melted off. Definately lava. He put the shoe back and walked back to the others.