Alessia could not believe what was going on, the human had grabbed another girl, who she guessed was human, and ran off camera. then Sonja dropped to her knees and a huge ass monster shot out of the ground, picked her up and ran away "What the f**k?" she stood up and decided she was going to go figured out what the hell was going on out there. she turned the computer off and hurried out the door, the rain appeared to be letting up but she was still reluctant to go out there. curiosity won and she was out in the rain, hissing lightly with every step. Aqua rubbed at her eyes "was i seeing things Arthur?" "No, i'm just as confused as you are" Arthur replied. "but i don't want to get involved, we should head back to base, Alessia can come back on her won, the rain's almost over anyway" "yeah i think we might want to go" Aqua agreed, Arthur started rolling her backwards before carefully manuevering in a circle and returning the way they came.