[b]Tanaka, Hideki[/b] He held up a beautifully crafted ornament up into the sky, admiring it before setting it down on the table of goods. The brown-haired male scanned the table in wonder. Ah, he could never get over all of these pretty hair ornaments. One of these would perhaps bring a smile to his girl. Tanaka grinned to himself, thinking about a pretty girl hugging him and - "Sir! Would you care to buy one for your lady?" a voice interrupted him. "Ah, not now. Maybe later," Tanaka said, raising his hand in apology, his grin turning sheepish. The shopkeeper only shrugged, for Tanaka frequented his shop but never bought anything. The former merchant's son had the tendency to be picky about choosing an item. Or he was just having some lady troubles. As the dark-blue yukata clad man walked away, the shopkeeper could only grumble as he awaited for his next customer. In a matter of a few minutes, Tanaka had arrived at his dojo, the Akihiro's. Inside, he could hear several people already training. Instantly, he knew who was inside. Akihiro Katsu and her father. He smiled, quite amused as he slowly walked around. He was a mere Yon-Dan, quite unworthy to be in the daughter's appearance. The girl was quite skilled, yet her father wouldn't let her ascend to the next level. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Katsu walk off to the inner yard of the dojo, where there was a pond. Curious (and against all reason), Tanaka tailed the girl, watching the girl sit there, her eyes searching in the water's depths. Quite aware of the girl's question; he began to speak gently. "Just live normally. Dig up the caves so you can set sail whenever you need to. It won't be easy, but you have an endless amount of time ahead of you." ---------- [b]Yamato, Eri[/b] [i]"Just die already."[/i] A figure flinched, jumping into reality. Her skin was cold and chappy; an eye dull and full of pain and fear. Yamato closed her eye for a moment before re-opening it, a cool breeze lifting her short hair, revealing bandages wrapped around her right eye. Trembling fingers reached up to gently touch the bandage before dropping down. "Ah," she said, sighing as she gazed at the river. That dream again. Chattering filled the air, and soon enough, the market was yet again busy. And so, life kept flowing. It was time for her to leave. Yamato got up, re-adjusting her plain light blue and black hakama before heading back to the Hachiro dojo. She owed her life to the master. After all, he had taken her in and taught her many things such as sword arts and zen. She was alive because of him. The one-eyed girl walked through the streets, easily slipping past the hordes of people. Although she was half-blind, she had her ways of getting around things. A few minutes passed by, and Yamato quietly entered the dojo, spotting a familiar looking girl and boy already inside. She stiffened. [i]"I mustn't forget my manners,"[/i] she thought to herself as she bowed and greeted the two. "Good morning," she huskily said. On that note, Yamato was quite often mistaken as a young male.