Name: Takashi, Hayazo Age: 17 Gender: Male Dojo: Hachiro Student Rank: San-Dan Appearance: [img=] Personality: Friendly, Easygoing, Generally Positive Short Biography: Hayazo was born into a merchant family with many brothers and sisters. The Takashi family, though well off, was so saturated with children that they sent them out to learn various trades to expand the family's prestige. Hayazo found himself taking up the sword from a very young age. He was first rejected by the Akihiro dojo after training for a month but showing no notable progress, however, he found the Hachiro dojo more suited to his learning style. He now lives at the school performing daily chores to earn his keep while having his parents take care of any fees for studying. Notes: Hayazo is far from the best swordsman at the school, and his technique is most commonly described as "sloppy," but he excels in the Zen teachings, particularly the philosophical aspects.