Mina sat in her chambers in front of a massive mirror, combing her long black hair with a comb made of bones. As she finished the work on her hair, she took the time to observe her features in her mirror, leaning against the richly decorated sides to look at herself. Princess Minata Nychta Scrios, that was her full name and her title. Mina didn't like it one bit, never had. It didn't fit her and it was absurdly long, in her opinion.Time after time again she had tried to get her staff to simply call her Mina, but most refused and stated; "A princess needs to fulfill her royal obligations, my lady. You cannot be called such an unimpressive name in the presence of other royalty." Ah yes, her royal duties. Mina's duties consisted of speaking to perverted old demons and making sure they stayed happy under her fathers rule. Not her most preferred job, but it gave her a lot of spare time as well. It had been a peaceful day today, that is, until she heard her father's loud voice echoing through the castle. Mina knew that voice well enough to know she had to be dressed to go outside. After doing so she made her way outside, through the hallways and through the large open doors into her father's throne room. 'Yes father, you...called?' Monu Izanagi returned from the training fields behind the castle, Lord Satan's castle. She had trained ruthlessly again, her clothing covered in blood of her fallen "practice dummies". She had tied up her long black hair to avoid too much blood getting in it, but it hadn't worked very much. Izanagi trained daily, whenever she wasn't working her task as Hell's Executioner. Luckily few people went against her Lord these days, so she didn't have much to do. She was just on her way to her room to take a bath, when the overpowering voice of her master, Lord Satan, echoed through the halls. Izanagi smiled dreamily at the sound, which was like music to her ears. It was followed by Mina, passing by her on the way to the throne room, which caused the girl to smirk widely. 'At least that miserable little bitch gets something to do.' she sneered as she walked into her room. Izanagi despised Mina, finding her unworthy of being Lord Satan's daughter. She loafed off in her eyes, didn't try her best to please her father. The thought alone made Izanagi growl in annoyance. She quickly made her way over to the bathroom and stood under the steaming hot shower, trying to wash all her anger off her. Anger made you weak, emotions made you weak. That was Lord Satan's lesson and she would never forget it. She pushed her thoughts off her and hoped her Lord would give her an assignment soon. Zayne hastily made her way down the grim, dark halls of Lord Death's castle, tying up her hair as she walked. She passed several chambers, but those weren't her destination today. Her father had requested her to come to him, something about an urgent mission. Zayne suspected something had gone wrong, so she made haste in order to correct the mistake. She entered her father's throne room with a respectful bow. 'Father, you called for me?' she asked. The large,hooded figure known as Death, stepped down from his throne and lowered his hood, something he did only for his daughter and closest friends. Below was the face of a young, handsome man with black hair, silvery eyes and a kind smile. This was one of many faces Lord Death could show, but it was the one his daughter knew best. 'Yes Zayne. A new batch of souls just came in, but one has a different flux than the others. I suspect one of the rookies made a mistake in reaping him and I need you to check it out for me.' he said. Zayne nodded. 'Of course father.' she said. 'I will be taking my leave then.' Her father nodded and Zayne got up, heading towards the stables. After mounting her Nightmare she rode off onto the first plain of Hell, heading towards the new souls. (Had a giant post and my damn phone deleted it. Hate my life sometimes.... -.-")