Yo, good job getting stuff going. There are two things though that you may want to modify concerning my kingdom. For one, Almare's fiefs are incorrectly labelled, as I arranged them very specifically in my sheet (and distributed manor fortifications in accordance to that). The labels should be as follows: 53 Windermere 54 Mortham 55 Blackwood 56 Ashbourne 57 Wingston 58 Myrefall 59 Greypass Then, and this is something I should have mentioned much earlier but I didn't really get to posting much at the time, is a small inconsistency in the description of house Rhiwallon. It says that the lady has a sister called Clemence, but this is most likely false as in the description for house Orrig, you stated that this house's lord is married to a certain Lady Eleanor, who is allegedly the sister of Lady Rhiwallon. Clemence, being that lord's previous wife, is dead and comes from elsewhere. There was also some unfinished sentence in house Orrig's description, something about him pressuring me to ... something, as the sentence abruptly ended after that. But I can't find it anymore, so I'm guessing you already took care of that. This should be all, thanks for your efforts.