[center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/OQAXFAH.png?1[/IMG] [b]The last thing Jei remembered before he died, was his mother's face. She looked so sad, the blood was drained from her face, it was terrible. He couldn't believe it, just like that, he was dead. His funeral was amazing, they sent his body into the ocean, with a lotus ring around him, for protection. It wouldn't help. The Wicked got what they wanted, they tricked the beings of the afterlife, and sent Jei to Hell. When he woke up in Hell, the first thing he checked for was his Dragon Sword, but it wasn't on him, the only thing that was around him, seem to be spiked chains, Jei was great with his fists, and he practice with nun-chucks a lot. The chains would have to do until he could find a better weapon, it would be difficult to use them as a weapon, but Jei would manage. It was Hell, so it was super hot, Jei's long dark hair was sticking to his face, he looked like the Hawaiian grudge or something. Jei couldn't believe that he was here, he never did anything, that would deserve for him to go to Hell, it was crazy, but Jei would find away to get out of here. When he started to scan his area, he noticed a few other people talking to each other. They were talking about a away to get out of Hell, they looked like a group that could find away out, hopefully. [i]"Mind if I tag along with you guys? I diffidently need to get out of Hell."[/i] After talking, Jei spotted a skeleton soldier about to attack the girl, she looked furious, but she didn't notice the skeleton. Jei ran over to her, he jump in between her and the skeleton, and rapped his spiked chains around the skeleton's bone neck, he yanked the chain, and the skeleton head came off, with a clean snap, and the skeleton's body felled apart. Seeing the skeleton's head snap, gave Jei bad memories of his own death.[/b][/center]