Akira Naoki smiled, looking up at the wall as he laid in bed. Another good dream, he thought, sitting up. "Ahh...I'm late, aren't I?" He muttered, getting up and changed into a dark green yukata. Another day, another fight to get out of bed. Granted, he was one of the students who stayed at the dojo itself, so he could cut it pretty close when it came to being late. He would like to stay at his house and family, of course, but seeing as they leaved out in the country, that was a bit unfeasible. He grabbed his two bokkens, and attaching their sheathes to the hips of his yukata. [i]"Alright, Naoki. Put on your happy face."[/i] he told himself, putting on a big grin and straightening up, heading out. He quickly got himself some breakfast, scarfing it down, and made his way to the main training area of the dojo. When he got there, he saw the daughter of the school's master leaving to the inner yard of the dojo. Nothing curious about that, he thought. If he recalled correctly, she was often seen there. However, when another student followed her, his curiosity was piqued. He couldn't quite remember the other student's name, but he was fairly sure he was another Yon-Dan. "Well," Naoki started, heading their way. "This could be interesting." He arrived just in time to hear Tanaka's advice, having an idea as to what it was for. Akihiro Katsu's...."problem", for lack of a better world, wasn't exactly unknown to the students of the dojo. "I'm sure she disagrees." He spoke up, his voice quite loud. "The longer it takes her, the worst it would look on her, don't you agree? Granted, I'm sure she doesn't want the advice of...[i]lowly[/i] Yon-Dans anyways." His voice sounded friendly enough, but there was still a hint of mockery in it.