[b]Cloudhaven - Market District[/b] [b]Affected Players - Chrys, Prince, Eira[/b] This game wasn't all that bad like so many freaking people considered. He was with an attractive guy, today's weather was nice and the street performer was really great! Feeling the feline's cheek on his pointy hair, his face looked up, the poor sucker really did offer Chrys a date. Add that to the list of why it's not too bad to be trapped in this crazy death game. As a reply, he gave a genuine smile before returning his undivided attention to the harlequin on stage. Being captivated by the street performers actions and movements. Chrys laughed modestly, with an adorable smile on his face of course, as the clown continued with his over exaggerated expressions and gestures. Really, this was most fun he'd had since he'd been in the game, he'd been busy training, grinding, farming, buying potions and all that. Not much chance to really experience the fun aspect of this damn death game huh? Letting go of his companion's arm to cheer and pump his small fists in the air, he noticed a green colored with a lot of twigs in her hair or perhaps it was quite literally a bird's nest, either way, he moved out of the way to only see the girl knock into his kitty little friend next to him. Opening his mouth to ridicule the girl with snarky words, bitchy statements and sarcastic attitude, he realized just how foul his mouth was (and how his non-existent mother would be ashamed and grab a bar of soap) so he decided to shut up and bit his tongue so his aggressive comment wouldn't come out. That was a first. Watching as the crimson tail reacted slightly, maybe it was an erogenous zone? So many evil and horrible ideas filled his mind as his expression slightly darken and his smile slanted on the right just a bit. Prince sure did have a way with words though. "Maiden of the Forest?". Really? Maybe he was a Shakespearean teacher or something. Scanning her profile and learning her name and class. Eira Glowheart. Druid. It was a strange class based on what he heard, a class that can do both roles of mages but couldn't take a hit. Why would a clumsy girl like her be such a class? She's was so gonna get blown up. Chrys was a judgmental asshole, that was for sure. Watching as Prince helped her and introduced him and explained the details of their small dilemma. Did he just call him Chrysanthemum? Geez now he had to talk. "U-um, you can c-call me Chrys for short..." Chrys tried to say as he was reduced to the little blob of cuteness. "U-um... You don't have to join.... But there is a reward of 600 gold. I'll split the earnings... So... Do you mind helping us?" He put on a slightly worried and anxious face while he spoke to the girl. All he needed was another person, having a healer would be useful for sure so it was in their best interest to try and recruit this player with pink eyes.