Never again. The two words flying through Marshall's head, as he prepared to leave the house. '[i]Never again am I staying home for the holidays. Should've stayed at school last time - practised Quidditch, cast spells - the lot of it.[/i]' He thought to himself. He decided to do a last minute check for the essentials - his Wand, his books, some other class equipment, his broom - and of course, his Owl. "Cumon already!" His dad shouted down the hall to him, to get a move on. "Just one second." He said back, as he grabbed his two trunks and loaded them in the back of the car. He then grabbed his Owl's cage (with the Owl in it), his broom and his Wand, he walked down the hallway - loading them in to the car also - except his Wand which he kept on him. "Do - do good again this year. But don't start fights! Just focus on your school work and your Quidditch." His mother said, trying to reassure him things won't be as bad as last year. "How many times? I didn't start them. Good-bye mom." He said, as he hugged her, and then left for the front door. His dad, waiting, began to speak. "I'll be back as soon as possible, darling. Just need to get [i]this[/i] to the station in New York." His father stated. And so - they left for the journey - from Louisiana to New York. "Dad - aren't you gonna', y'know - fly?" Marshall enquired as to why they were still driving. "Of course I am. How dare you imply such an insult!" His father replied, shouting at him. "I'm not implying anything I'm sorry." Marshall said, looking out the window he saw the nice countryside of the state. And soon after, in to the sky they went. The one thing Marshall liked about the family was their flying car, but was terrified of his father. On the outskirts of New York, the family had a family who they were freinds with. 'Michael' was the other families father. They landed at his house, using the active camouflage of course to stop others from seeing. They stopped here to use their fireplace to get to the station. After they greeted everyone, Marshall took his things in to the house, to the living room where his father and Michael were sitting. "Really should get one of these installed." Marshall's father stated, talking to Michael. "Saves you a fortune!" Michael replied. Shortly after, it was time for Marshall to go. "Same as last time then? Just throw the floo powder down and say where you want to go, right?" Marshall asked Micahel. "Yes it's as simple as that." Michael replied. "Good-bye Michael - Dad." Marshall spoke, as he put his things with himself in to the fireplace. "You better do good." His father spoke. Marshall took the floo powder - throwing it on the ground as he spoke: [i]"Grand Central Station!"[/i] It worked! And Marshall successfully got to the station. He put his trunks and stuff on a trolley, wheeling it in the direction of his destination - the entrance to the Salem Academy train platform. Shortly after, he made it to said platform. Looking around him he saw first years getting chased off their parents, all excited to go back. He saw others in his year but made no contact with them. A few confused second years, and just other students going around their business. He went up to the person who was loading everyone's stuff - and after waiting for him to get round to Marshall, his bags were loaded, and he walked to the train entrance with only his Wand, a copy of Quidditch through the Ages and a change of clothes in to his school uniform. Entering the train, as usual, he was one of the first on. He walked very fast, and got a carriage to himself. "Phew." He said, as he put his stuff down on the seat, and then sat down on the one opposite, opening his copy of [i]Quidditch Through the Ages![/i]