The appearance of the second human caught him off guard. The rain must have masked his scent somehow. This human was armed, clearly no child. A hunter then. Rage flexed his claws and prepared to rush the hunter when another Hybrid engaged him. Odd. The new Hybrid seemed to be using his own blood for fighting to which Rage scoffed at. That one must have some insane regenerative abilities or easy access to a blood bank to use so much of his body's blood supply and still function normally. Rages thoughts were confirmed as the Hybrid to a burst of gunfire and watched as the bullets were pushed from the wounds. Unfortunately for the human his now cut and burned hand would receive no such healing and as if finally realizing he was in over his head, rushed and grabbed the girl before taking off towards the fence. 'Good riddance.' he thought. The less humans this side of the fence the better. They were much easier prey in smaller numbers. Rage didn't stick around long after that and didn't bother to conceal himself as he walked away from the scene. With his black hooded jacket and track pants he was fairly indistinguishable and the sports wrap that covered his hands and feet leaving only his claws exposed hid what little of his fur would be visible. The unnatural chill in the air was his only recognizable feature as he walked, leaving patched of frost with each step.