A weak rumbling was felt in the heels of his metallic boots, ringing all the way up the armor. LeeRoy was familiar with magic, you tend to get used to it after a few hundred years of living. You notice things that nobody else does. Anyway, LeeRoy pulled his sword back and released his grip on it with his left hand. Keeping the blade relatively level while doing this, he reached up to the top of his right hand and pushed the forwardmost button. This button's effect would play out shortly. The ground began to splinter and shake more violently, this being had quite the prowess over earth. LeeRoy's button activated to its fullest extent, and the twin trhusters on his back kicked into gear. Pushing him upwards into the air and above the threat of dangerous shards of earth striking him. Above the ground he migrated and allowed himself to drift over the spines of stone. "I'm impressed. Magic is such a strange thing, and I argue constantly that manipulation over earthy materials would be superior to all others. See, because it's the most concrete, and least floaty." LeeRoy actually cracked a smile behind his visor, he realized that he just said floaty. While he himself was floating. LeeRoy's jetpack held him aloft, above the ruined ground below. "Now, I see why they let you in here!" With a noticably sarcastic tone and inflection near the middle. "You've got some neat little tricks, moleman. Sorry, but I'm gonna go ahead and call you Moleman. I've forgotten your name."