The flight had been fantastic. Sylvia had been up in Maine visiting family for the last few weeks of summer break. It had been rather nice getting away from her siblings and work for a little while. But Lucius had shown up to take her to school since she'd been staying with muggle family there was no one there to go with her. She was a little disappointed that her mother hadn't come, but she had people to care for. One of the old ladies who frequented their shop had suddenly taken up with a fever and her mother refused to leave her. And her father couldn't fly. So it was just her big brother then that could take her. Thankfully she liked Lucius. He let her fly on her broom to New York the night before. And it was fantastic to be able to fly again after the weeks without any magic around. They'd spent the night in a fancy muggle hotel downtown and made a night of it. And this was why, despite all the years he'd picked on her and teased her, that she loved her brother. He really did care about her. He'd just been a stupid child. That's what her mother had always said when she'd come crying to her about something he'd done. So now she was following along after Lucius who was pushing the cart with her charmed trunk, made both bigger on the inside and lighter. It was something that she could carry on her own, but muggles had been about outside the platform. She had her broom over one shoulder, resting opposite the strap of her messenger bag that was currently full of sweets that her aunt had made for her trip. And she couldn't wait to dig into relatively fresh baked cookies. Sylvia was so distracted thinking about her aunt's cookies that she walked right into her brother who had stopped walking in front of her. "Oooff," she huffed, backing up from him. "Break lights there, Luce." He simply rolled his eyes at her, trying to hide his smirk. "I'll talk to Flo about having them installed while you're away. For Christmas, for you." Sylvia smiled at him, giving his shoulder a nudge that barely moved him. "You're too kind. But what will you get me for my birthday a few days before?" "Glasses, so you can see where you're going." And with that he gave her a half hug around her broom free shoulder and pulled her trunk off the trolley for her. "Love you, sis. See you at Christmas." He departed, waving. "Never helps me carry it on, does he," she grumbled to herself. Pulling out her wand she murmured a simple first year "[i]Wingardium Leviosa[/i]," and directed her trunk easily with one hand while waving to a friend with her other, broom filled hand. Climbing up the stairs after the floating luggage she searched the cars for either an empty spot or a friend. Quickly enough she caught sight of dancing yellow birds and knew her search had ended. Putting the trunk down she knocked on the door of Tai's little sanctuary and stood waving at her quite energetically, smiling brightly until the other girl noticed her. "Tai let me in!"