[img]http://www-static.weddingbee.com/pics/35993/night_whitlock.jpg[/img] “Do we have any more redbulls left?” John asked, trying very hard not to fall asleep standing up. Gunny Shull shrugged. “I don’t know, let me check.” He knelt down from his position behind the .50 cal and down into the cab of the Humvee. He reached into the ice-filled cooler that was sitting in the back and pulled out the last two remaining energy drinks. “It’s your lucky day.” Gunny shull chuckled as he threw John a redbull. For such an emotionally-charged evening, the midnight and into the early morning went quite slow for John. The bright, night sky was illuminated with the flames of the buildings burning in the background, which gave off a shade of intense yellow and orange. The screams had died out about an hour before and John could not identify any sign of walkers in the area. It was better to be safe than sorry, John knew, and he would wait until the break of daylight before gathering his team and moving out. “Our shift is up.” John said. “Yeah. I’ll go wake the others up.” Gunny replied, and jumped down from the top of the Humvee. John’s eyes shifted to a figure walking towards them from down the avenue. He couldn’t tell for sure if they were a walker or not, but he kept his M4 at the low-ready just to be sure. John put down his redbull and tapped the Gunny to get his attention. “Someone’s walking towards us.” John whispered. “Where?” Shull replied, trying to keep his voice low. John pointed towards the figure, which he could now distinguish as a man in a Marine uniform, armed with an M16. As the man got closer, he did not appear to have any visible cuts, scratches, bite marks, or otherwise to obviously show that he was infected. Still, John and the Gunny kept their weapons ready in case this man wished to do them harm. The man was close enough now to be easily recognized as a Corporal, and made eye contact with John as he advanced further and stopped just short of the drive-way. “"You aren't infected, are you, sir?" The Marine asked. John stood alert and replied, “No. We are fine. Are you?”