Username: Dragon Name: Wyeth Age: 21 Gender: Male Birthday/Zodiac: January 15th - Capricorn Allegiance: Sacred Blades Class: Tactician -> Grandmaster [hider=Clothing][img][/img][/hider] Weapons: Iron Sword, Elthunder, Arcwind [hider=Appearance][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] He keeps his hair in a braid or in a tight bun depending on the mood that he’s in. Wyeth stands at 5’9 and weighs about 156 pounds.[/hider] Personality: Wyeth is a curious man—he seems cold hearted and serious from a distance, but truthfully, he’s rather mellow and calm. His temper hardly ever flares up. The way he keeps himself from punching someone in the face is to toss around witty replies that will usually leave someone reeling in surprise. Wyeth is a very romantic person; he loves to woo ladies off of their feet and have them fall into his arms. However, he deeply respects women and will not sleep with them unless he has been in a relationship with them for a long while. While he eventually wants to have children, the very thought of being with someone sends chills up his spine—he is worried that one day, he would not be around to protect his dear love, and she will die at the hands at something gruesome and evil. Wyeth is a jokester, often pulling pranks on and teasing his closest friends. Surprisingly, he gets rather cross when someone pulls pranks on him or pulls on his leg a bit too hard. History: Wyeth was born in Ylisse to a fairly poor family. His mother could not find work and his father tirelessly worked the fields. He spent most of his childhood alone with no siblings to play with, or no one to talk to, since his parents were always busy. His mother cleaned and fed the many animals that they had on their farm and his father sowed, harvested, turned the soil, and did much more hard labor. So, Wyeth turned to the books. At age five, he read short stories in large volumes. At age ten he began to read full length novels without any trouble. When he turned twelve he began to show an interest in magic, and often went to Ylisstol to borrow books from considerate mages. It was then that his father grew ill with an unknown disease and slowly began to deteriorate. His mother began to tend to his father for such long periods of time that the farm had started to become conquered by weeds and pests, and the animals were dying off. Wyeth knew that he had to do something, so he struggled to tend to the land himself. Wyeth was fifteen when his father lost his battle with his disease. Soon after, his mother abandoned him for a man who wanted no children in his household. Wyeth was left alone. Struggling to survive, he turned to thievery. He didn’t pull off grand heists that left people baffled, but he cut gold purses and ripped bread from hands. Wyeth still read tomes when he could. He would usually sit under market overhangs that sheltered him from the rain, but not the cold or wind. It was somewhat amusing, watching a wide eyed and trembling Wyeth clutching to a soaked tome as he struggled to fall asleep. Well, if you compare him to the way he is currently, at least. It was a very cold day in February that Wyeth first met the Sacred Blades. Dirty, starving, and suffering from a very minor case of bronchitis [small enough to be healed at the time], he saw strong looking men and women in the town square of Ylisstol. Wyeth meant to take the gold purse of the wealthiest looking one there, but he was caught within moments. The man that he tried to steal from was so large that he practically yanked the poor mage off of the ground by his wrist. Crying out of fear, anger, and pain, he thrashed in the man’s grip, doing anything he could to get away. The Lord of the group noticed the fire burning in him, and ordered the man to let go of him. Despite being filled with fear, Wyeth listened to the proposition that the Lord was giving him; he could join the Sacred Blades or possibly live the rest of his days in poverty. It was obvious what Wyeth chose—he left Ylisstol with the Sacred Blades and traveled a bit north. They tended to his coughing and wheezing and gave him new tomes and books to study from and swords to practice with. Wyeth then strived to become a full-fledged tactician, able to defend his loved ones with all he had. Ability: Fights better with tomes rather than swords. Quirk: Makes delicious meals without any effort. Strengths: Is able to keep the peace, patient, and strong. Weaknesses: Somewhat gullible, is hesitant to forge bonds, can be rather rash with decisions (especially when his friends are in danger’s way). Likes: Good friends, nice weather, free time, studying, a quiet day or night, sunrises and sunsets, the night sky, water in every form, extreme heat or cold, getting his clothes more ruined than they already are, women. Dislikes: Animals (he’s actually scared of them), heights, fights and arguments, stubborn people, those who want to cause harm to his friends, his friends being in danger (especially if it’s because of him), sour or bland food, being hungry, walking for too long, being caught between a rock and a hard place. Other: [i]”I’ve got your backs.”[/i]