John had still been sleeping on the floor of Hell, not knowing what was going on around him. In his mind, the memory of how he died was running through his head. The picture of his own hand covered in his blood filled his mind as he began to awake. He began to laugh insanely to himself as the image stayed for a moment. His eyes opened, and suddenly his laughing died off. He looked around to see some of the others, hearing one say something about not deserving to be in Hell. [i]What? Hell!? No no no... He just means a place like Hell of course...[/i] The memory of himself dying flooded his brain, a smile appearing on his face. He shook his head, thinking solely about now, not quite accepting that he was in Hell. His smile faded as he looked around him to find a bo-staff. He grabbed the staff and stood up, looking to the others. [i]There's a lot of lava around here... No wonder that guy called this place Hell...[/i] He looked over in time to see someone simply kill a very odd leaking human with ease. "Oh my god..." He quickly looked away, before seeing another dead one. [i]Oh god... Am I standing here with murderers!?[/i] He stepped back a bit, readying his bo-staff. He stared for a moment at the bloody corpses of some of the nearby dead demons, beginning to laugh a little. [i]What the hell...? What happened to my black-outs... Whenever I saw blood I'd black-out not laugh...[/i] He looked up some, listening to one of them say they were going to attempt to escape. [i]They're my best chance at getting away from this place... Wherever we actually are...[/i] "Can I join you guys? I shouldn't be here either, I've went out of my way in life to be a good person..."