“Quidditch is the thing with broomsticks, right?” Sadie queried, “Brennan says he plays Beater, but he won’t explain much past that. It freaks mum out, she’s right protective. Apparently he broke his leg last year; she had a fit when she found out, tried to convince him to quit playing.” George pointed out the window to a blurry town and Sadie dutifully followed his gaze. It was whipping by, and she realized suddenly how fast they must actually be moving. She couldn’t help her gasp when he described it. No muggles? Somehow, she’d never thought of wizarding villages or cities, had thought everyone was simply living among normal people. That was silly; of course wizards would flock together to form towns. Sadie flipped a card over. A stag with ten clubs in his horns thrust his head into the breeze majestically, a doe nuzzling against his chest. “That’s crazy awesome,” she began, but she was distracted by the opening of the door. A much taller boy, taller even than Brennan, entered. He didn’t pay them much mind, saying something about books as he dragged down George’s trunk. She shot a curious look at her companion, but as he wasn’t looking too perplexed, she surmised that he knew the bloke. “Theo,” the boy introduced, offering his hand. She shook it with a bright smile, sunny as ever. “Sadie! It’s a pleasure.” Ah, brothers. Sadie was amazed Theo was as cordial as he was, her own brother being a massive prat. At his warning she turned her attention to her cards. She laughed in delight, a wicked grin dimpling her cheeks. “Haha! This is stupendous!” “Oi, Sadie, did mum leave the pasties with you—” The door opened again, catching her attention. Her brother stood in the doorway, speaking more to the bubbly blonde waiting behind him, waving her off. He turned, nearly running straight into Theo, stopping on a dime. Sadie had never seen Brennan’s face twist so hatefully so quickly. Grumpy git though he was, this was beyond his normal levels of surliness. His loathing was, alarmingly, directed entirely at Theo. Sadie quirked a brow. “[i]Nott[/i],” he gritted out. Holy shoes, was that a vein popping? Sadie snorted, but Brennan (for once) didn’t take the bait. Sadie cleared her throat loudly. “Ground control to Major Bren?” He seemed to snap out of it, huffing in irritation. Sadie twisted in her seat, digging into her large messenger bag and withdrawing a paper bag. She passed it towards him, rolling her eyes as he grabbed it viciously. “Hey! Don’t be a jerk!” “Sadie—“ He looked ready to explode. Rather like the cards, Sadie mused. His scowl renewed at the gaze he cast about the compartment. “You should be more discerning in your company.”