Okay! --- Username: Dragon Name: Sina Age: 20 Gender: Female Birthday/Zodiac: March 19th – Pisces Allegiance: Sacred Blades Class: Wyvern Rider -> Griffon Rider [hider=Clothing][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119104503/fireemblem/images/1/11/Dragonknight_female.jpg[/img][/hider] Weapons: Iron Axe, Hand Axe, Hammer [hider=Appearance][img]http://moe.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/9180-2033965165.jpg[/img] Standing at 5’5 and weighing a mere 118 pounds, Sina appears to be a weak individual and rather easy to push aside. Her mount, a green wyvern named Balerion, makes up for her size and is rather protective of her. They are never found apart.[/hider] Personality: At first glance, Sina seems like a fragile yet beautiful young woman that doesn’t know how to fight at all. This is only partly true—she definitely knows how to fight and won’t let herself be pushed around. Even though her body doesn’t allow her to take many blows, Sina’s personality makes up for her weak form. She is a golden hearted individual, always believing in what is right. A major flaw in her personality, however, is her belief that everyone has good in them, no matter how dastardly and evil one might be. Thus, Sina refuses to kill a person unless she sees that there is no other way out of the situation. Even then, she mourns for those who she has killed, along for fallen allies, as if they had been her family. To her friends, Sina is talkative, but is shy when she is placed in the spotlight. She seems to brighten up the day with her smile and bright personality. History: Sina was born on a very cold night in Ferox to a wealthy noblewoman who wanted nothing to do with her, having been the product of a one night stand with a lower man. She was given to her father, a rather poor yet kind merchant who loved her as soon as he set eyes on her. He gave her all he could—dolls, candy dresses were the most common gifts that she got from her dad. Her dolls and dresses were made by her own father, who knew how to knit and thus made sure that Sina was well dressed before she was sent out to complete errands and the sort. As she grew older, it was obvious that she was a direct cross between her father and her cruel mother. Her gorgeous looks were eerily similar to her mother’s and her personality was the exact same as her father’s. However, this put Sina in dangerous situations. Extremely naïve and pretty, she was kidnapped more than once, but was able to escape her apprehenders. When she was seventeen, Sina was ganged up on by a notorious clan of bandits and was spirited away from her home. Her father was panicked and had no choice but to turn to a new group of vigilantes, called the Sacred Blades, to rescue her. After a week or two of following the clan, they were able to recover Sina before she could be harmed. Her father was overjoyed to see that she was well, but, instead of taking her back, begged the Blades to take her into their care and make sure that she would be able to defend herself. He explained to them that he was getting old and sickly and thus could not keep track of Sina. While Sina was sad that her father was giving her away, she understood, and allowed the Sacred Blades to take her into their ranks. Sina became a Wyvern Rider after a year of fighting alongside the Sacred Blades, having received Balerion after a squabble with a weaker group of bandits. The wyvern had been left behind by his rider, and Sina, seeing a bit of herself in the poor beast, took him under her wing and made sure that he was well kept. Since then, Sina and Balerion have become inseperable. Ability: Knows how to knit rather well. Quirk: Smiles the most in the group. Strengths: Has a good heart, is able to keep spirits up, and kind. Weaknesses: Weak, rather sickly, naïve. Likes: Balerion, reptiles, the warmth, the sky, sun, moon, and other celestial elements, friends, bonding, telling stories, sweets, keeping everyone happy, people who are open-hearted. Dislikes: The cold, people who shut her out, negative emotions, fighting, arguments, being so shy, when people protect her a bit too much, being put on the spot. Other: [i]”We’ve come too far to be disheartened and scared.”[/i]