[b]Name-[/b]Rene Ohana (Nicknamed the Graceful Blossom or the Shadow Stalker, who are commonly believed to be two separate people) [b]Age-[/b]24 [b]Gender-[/b]Female [b]Race-[/b]Human [b]Appearance-[/b] [url= http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-69sAubqAtZs/TVhD9UOvgBI/AAAAAAAAAd8/Bm-8JPcOV_8/s1600/cute-blonde-anime-wallpaper-1366x768.jpg]This[/url] is what her face looks like. She commonly wears a fancy white kimono with purple flowers on it with [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geta_(footwear)]geta[/url] sandals. Underneath her robe is an lightweight and unrestrictive outfit that is more practical for combat; a black sleeveless shirt and black shorts, a stark contrast to the fancy outfit that she wears over it. However, she usually fights in her restrictive outfit until she has a reason not to. The outfit underneath is only warn while she's acting as the Shadow Stalker. Somewhere on her body is a birthmark that looks exactly like a flower, although she keeps it a secret where it is. While unleashing her special powers the birthmark turns black, and the darkness soon turns her entire body as dark as night. If you haven't guessed, at that point she is the Shadow Stalker. Her hair appears to not be effected by gravity as it too is swallowed by the darkness and flows around. [b]Personality-[/b] She's very refined and generous while acting as the Graceful Blossom, behaving as a perfect human should...almost too perfect. Deep down she has always hated the rich kid lifestyle that was too worried about being polite and not allowed to express how they truly feel, kissing the backsides of whoever they need favors from, most commonly from their parents. Sure she can get anything that she wants handed to her using such methods, but she'd rather have nothing and be able to act how she feels deep down. Otherwise she's just suffocating in a life she didn't choose. She's far more like the ruthless Shadow Stalker persona, striking out at others and allowing her emotions to get the better of her. Some people claim it's just the Shadow Stalker being a childish rebel, but she has developed a deep-seated hatred of the elite ruling class after her numerous dealings with them. Her "rebellion" is no mere childish tantrum. She wishes to dismantle what she considered a social structure unfair to almost everyone involved. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] Her abilities are that of an unenhanced human, but at the peak of health for what can be expected of a girl her age. Her skill makes it seem like she's tougher then she really is, as endurance and durability are her weak points. She's the best at speed and moderately good at strength. Her reactions are super quick, especially if she's concentrating on the task at hand. [b]Swordsmanship-[/b] She's so quick that her swings that they are just a blur to normal humans. Her quick draw maneuver is especially fast, allowing her to draw her sword and slash it within half a second, although if she uses her right hand it's around twice as slow. She's known for being super precise and fast, using skill to overcome her opponents rather then brute force. [b]Intellect-[/b] Perhaps her greatest asset is her mind, which she's incredibly calculating and intelligent. [b][u]Magical[/u][/b] [b]Shadow Stalker-[/b]If she unleashes the power hidden in the birthmark she increases in speed, strength, and durability times four and she sometimes gets down on all fours like an animal. While unleashing the power of her birthmark she can form weapons out of the darkness on her skin. For example, she can have a spear made out of the darkness joust out of her forearm. She can change it to any form as long as it doesn't leave contact with her skin or have a size larger then the surface area of the skin. This is because the darkness on her skin is what actually goes out to make whatever objects she desires. While in this mode, piecing her birthmark will make all the darkness dissolve until the skin heals over the wound again, which occurs at a natural pace. [b]Graceful Blossom-[/b] As her Graceful Blossom persona she can form the same type of maneuver, but instead it is a pink form of energy that she can build up anywhere on her skin. This energy can be shot off, so while her Shadow Stalker form is mainly for close corridors and powerful strikes, her Graceful Blossom form is great at long range and swift movements of her magic. She can switch forms at will, but if she goes out of her Shadow Stalker form then all the darkness on her skin dissolves, wasting away all the energy that had come from her body to supply the dark energy with power. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [b]Weapons-[/b] She wields a very well made, yet not supernaturally enhanced katana while acting as the Graceful Blossom.