It wasn't too much of a surprise that they took heed of him this time, after all an angry Krogan is hard to ignore, but it was still pleasant all the same. The conversation went much the way he had imagined it would. Kali looked contrite, then slipped on the guise of a diplomat, all the while strenghthing her own position within the group. Kerr'Shal acted with glib superiority, as most air-heads with inflated opinions of themselves are want to do. Micheal got all defensive, refusing to own his mistake and instead trying to ingratiate himself with the group, spouting some shit about being a co-leader, like that had ever worked ever. Alexa bitched and bled. Arlius just stuttered, but mentioned something about having cars on the way to take them to the hospital. Still, they mostly made valid points, especially Kali. Contrary to what the others might belive Raze had no desire to lead, to many bad experiences with that sorta thing in the past. Like he had said earlier, a warrior had to know their strengths and their weaknessess, and while his ability to lead wasn't exactly a weakness, it wasn't exactly a strength either, probably owing to how he preferred to work solo. No, his first choice had always been Kali, and by the way the cards were landing that seemed to be the case with most of them present. He would have grinned at how these fools rushed to do just as he wished, but that would have gave the game away. He accepted Alexa from Kali, knowing that while the rest could probably carry her he would be the least burdened by her. He chuckled at the Fists continuly bad manners and abrasive attitude, even while injured. Still, she put Micheal in the frame, letting him know that he was in no way suited to leadership, at least not yet. Maybe he would be one day, if he stood close to Kali and learnt a thing or two, but until then he would be a grunt, just like the rest of them. "Kalros's teeth woman, you sure you ain't part Krogan? You certainly got the temper for it!" He ambled towards the skycars with Alexa bundled in his arms.