[center][b]Villain[/b][/center] Jonnie rolled her eyes, mocking Soren's word. [b]”Good thing you know a drying spell Robin.”[/b] She mouthed, making weird motions with her head. [i]Jerk...[/i] He should know by know that Jonnie couldn't handle wet or cold. Because wet usually always led to cold in the end. Plus, it kind of made her powers null which... wouldn't help them at all. [b]"Well, I sure hope you've got this drying spell down because I'll be useless wet."[/b] She stated matter of factly before following the crowd. [i]I'm so going to regret his. Soren owes me a freaking foot rub or something.[/i] [b]"Geh!"[/b] She shouted as her foot sunk into deeper waters. [i]Okay, yeah. I already regret this.[/i] She held her breath and trudged on, trying her best not to smell the damned stuff for fear of passing out. Jesus Christ, it stank.