[B] Reich Military Headquarters, Berlin [/B] The room was exactly how one might picture a headquarters. There was table in the center of the room that projected a map while thick smoke choked the air in the room. Several men stood around said table discussing something while yet another man operated on some sort of computer on the far wall. The men had been planning for months and it was finally time. The Reich was not finished with its European conquest, in fact it was far from done. In 3 days time the Reich would invade both Poland and Spain Simultaneously with 500 thousand Infantry, 30 thousand Panzers, and 10 thousand Luftwaffe Craft assigned to each front. [B] Berlin, City Limits [/B] 15 rather weary looking men stood at the Checkpoint in full military fatigues. A group of Reich soldiers approached the Checkpoint. "Halt!" Yelled the Officer in charge of the Checkpoint. The group stopped. "Angeben Ihr Unternehmen in Berlin und haben Ihren Personalausweis für das Scannen vorbereitet!" (State your business in Berlin and have your identification card prepared for scanning!) Yelled the Officer as he approached the group.