Oo, I have a character that I made for an Attack on Titan roleplay that I never ended up playing as, would you mind if I used him? [hider=Isra Aceline] Appearance: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/263/f/e/enthusiastic_roy_by_chenkama-d6n4ec8.png[/img] Isra stands at a mostly average height, around 5'8. He's very lean in figure and has rather slopey shoulders. Not much meat on him, which means there's not much muscle either. Name: Isra Aceline Age: 17 Gender: Male Hometown: Mitras Nationality: Caucasian Rank: Cadet Personality: You know those dogs that are overly excited about every single aspect of life and loves everything? Well, Isra's not a dog, but he's like that. Except around fancy, poofy suits that smell like flowers, Isra has a mortal fear for those. But yeah, let's stop joking. Isra is a fun-loving and adventurous individual, often coming off as quite reckless. He has a curiosity that cannot be satiated unless he learns absolutely every aspect of a certain thing. He's quite naive, often taking the words of others at face value. Though, don't mistake this for him being dull, because he's not. Isra is surprisingly observant, able to pick out small details that many wouldn't. Isra is usually quite kind to others, and doesn't hold a grudge. He has a mindset that makes him believe that he's protected from all harm, often not going through the lengths of caution. Can be arrogant and daft at times, too. Isra is rebellious, and freedom is his goal in life. Quite imaginative, often exaggerating his stories and embellishing his accomplishments. Isra has faced the horrors of the capital and its noblemen, but titans are another story. Bio: Isra was born of the unlikely union between a higher up nobleman and a lowly prostitute of the underground city. A noble disaster. Awoken one morning by the cries of an infant, the nobleman was dumbfounded to find a mewling newborn on his doorstep. Taking the boy inside, he had no idea what to do with the pathetic thing. How had the thing even made it onto his doorstep? Being well into middle age, and a gluttonous pig, he had never thought about having a child. Preparing to dispose of Isra in his proper place, the garbage, the baby suddenly started giggling. Confused, the nobleman watched the baby. For a moment, all was silent, and then he too was giggling. Perhaps this wouldn't end out too badly, he could always use a laugh, and if anything he did need an heir to his fortune. Besides, it couldn't be that hard to take care of a baby, right? By the time Isra was a year and a half years old, the nobleman had long past decided that this was the worst decision of his life. He couldn't go back now, the baby was already signed into his wills and all that legal bologna. And besides, it would be much harder to dispose of a child that's been around so long, he wouldn't be able to explain the absence. Ever since Isra was first stuffed into fancy dress clothing, he rebelled. At first that meant a whole lot of drooling, spitting, and punching, but once he got older, that changed. Isra rebelled from the start, and he was a nightmare for anyone within his vicinity. I'll leave it to your imagination when it comes to exactly what he did, but if you can imagine it, there's high possibilities that he did it. Throughout his life, Isra has had one dream. Freedom. And he'd never get the freedom that he longed for stuffed up in fancy clothing and waltzing around noble parties. The Survey Corps always called out to him, filling his mind with fantasies of adventure and excitement. Perhaps those fantasies would come true, but not likely in the way that Isra expects. Major Skill: None, as of yet Minor Skill: None of these, either. There isn't much he really excels in at the moment. Relationships: Father - Greedy nobleman, has a distasteful relationship with him, though still loves him as a father. Any interesting information: Any kind of poofy or dressy clothing will make Isra run miles.[/hider]