Glad to hear this. I got another question as I contemplate building choices: Is there overlap between the Watch Tower and the Town Guardhouse? Both seem to spot sneaky parties and guard trade routes. Is there a point in getting both? [b]Edit:[/b] I did some more math guys! Maybe you all realized this already, but in case you didn't, I feel this is some good information: Storehouses. They're super efficient at low-fertility fiefdoms! So they can contain up to 100 people, preferably peasants, and make them not eat food. That's right, it turns them into machines who run on sheer determination alone. Remember what I said about wanting robots to operate my fields back when I talked about food? Well here we go. So, for our food economy, this means the following: A peasant, who normally consumes 4 crops an annum, now doesn't. His production surplus, after personal consumption, on a scrubland fief, turns from a meagre 0.2 (4.2 - 4.0 = 0.2) into the full 4.2! Do you know how many peasants it takes to produce a surplus of 4.2 without this building? 21. In summary, this means that, figuratively speaking, the storehouse turns 1 peasant into 21 peasants. It can house 100 people per storehouse built (which I see no maximum limit of), so to find out how much peasant value (can we make this a term? abbreviate it PV or something) is created, you just multiply by 100, so on a scrubland, a storehouse full of peasants turns 100 of them into 2100. Scrublands start out with 3000 people, so you're technically creating roughly 70% more peasants. Or in other words, your PV is improved by 70%. That's so nuts! It should be said that storehouses rapidly degrade in power. On an infertile fief, it only multiplies by 11, and on a fair fief, it multiplies by 7.66~. Then comes 6, 5, and it goes downhill from there (if there even are more fertility levels than that). So, all things considered, this is only an early game boost for your shit fiefdoms, as I would consider twice if I would want to build it even in a fair fiefdom, let alone higher ones. This also means that if you upgrade your fertility, you are actively devaluing your storehouses, so that's something to bear in mind, though this effect is also less dramatic at higher fertility levels. [b]Edit 2:[/b] Actually, some more questions, various subjects. We don't directly control our vassals' actions, like give orders for them, right? I read we can move their levies apparently, but we don't have to build up their infrastructure as well, and conduct trade missions on their behalf? Next, can I trade with my vassals? Can I trade between my own towns, if I have 2 or more? How are the costs of Manors, Walls and Town Fortifications handled? Are they additive, for example 10.000 for Basic Town Fort., plus 25.000 for Improved Town Fort., thus totalling 35.000 for the latter, or can I go from nothing to Improved for a straight 25.000 (meaning it costs only 15.000 to upgrade from the first tier)? [b]Edit 3:[/b] Yes, this is a long one. Does it take travel times for a letter to be sent from one lord to another, if both are sitting in their respective kingdoms, and are not at court (but may have a representative of course)? Logic dictates it does, but the rules are a bit ambiguous on this.