Morgan awoke, and eyed the moon that poked it's way through the clouds, leaving a small silver-ish glare on his bright violet eyes. Their were bags around his eyes, as if he hadn't slept in at least a fortnight. He had noticed the seal wrapped around his torso. The runes and whatnot were unfamiliar to him, due to being unable to enter any holy ground without being chased out of town by an angry, torch and pitchfork wielding mob. Morgan didn't know that he would have been saved by this paladin, as a matter of fact he was expecting to have his throat cut in his involuntarily slumber. He sighed and began to rub his temples with his palms. His blade and wand were missing, but at this point in the evening, he didn't care. He felt like someone dropped a boulder on his back. He heard the high pitched voice speak again. "Is it true what you said about not having a soul?" Morgan heard his rescuer enunciate., and he sighed once more, this time sad and empty. "Yes. It was stolen from me when I was a young one." Morgan answered honestly. it was the least he could do when they had done a lot for him. He wasn't sure if this seal would work or not, but he was glad that someone tried to help him for once. Being alone for as long as Morgan has, he had given up on finding someone that wouldn't judge him because of his predicament. He looked to the left out of the corner of his eye, and saw his belongings. That made him happy. That sword and wand were the only things that actually were his own. He looked at the other one, and what he saw was someone in pain. Broken bone maybe? He wasn't completely sure, so he opened his mouth and spoke once more. "Are you hurt? I know some healing magic if you want me to try and mend your wounds. I am in your debt after all." Morgan said, looking him right in the eyes. "Thank you." Morgan said, as honest as he could. He had to thank him, for what he had done. It was something that he had drilled into his mind. Even though most people shunned him, he was still as polite and courteous as possible. "Thank you for sparing me. If you want, I will tell you more about me. It's the least I can do. There's a lot to explain, so it'll be a while, if you are even interested that is." He didn't like being tied up, but for the time being, he wouldn't argue.