[center][i]Designation: B02 Name: Barbara "Babs" Gordon Alias: Oracle, Batgirl Species: Human Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: [img=http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/2b0a509ef2c19659361ff96f259b1b14/http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn299/Popikle-Chan/batgirl1.gif] Ties to Hero: Sidekick of Batman, Part of the Bat-Family Power(s): None Skill(s): Eidetic Memory, Investigation, Computer Hacking, Computer Operation Abilities: Gymnast, Skilled Martial Artist(Boxing, Dragon Style Kung Fu, Judo, Stick Fighting), Stealth Weapons/Gadgets: Cowl Lenses(clear lens, a telescopic-vision lens, a microscopic-vision lens, and a thermal lens), Utility Belt(Smoke capsules, Fingerprint analysis kit, Forensic analysis kit, First aid kit, Lockpicking tools, Kryptonite ring, Tear gas pellets, Batline spool + grappling gun, Sedatives, Rebreather, 16 Fold up Batarangs), Slight lead lined mask designed by Batman History: Growing up with James Gordon as a father, she didn't do much outside, instead he enrolled her in a self defense course. She loved computers from a young age and soon was learning programming. By the time she was 14 she had created an online hacker persona named Oracle. After her father was kidnapped by the joker, she hacked Batman's Batcave, learning his secret identity. She said she wouldn't tell, and revealed she was James Gordon's daughter. After Batman saved her father, she promised not to hack Batman again. Soon she became obsessed with Batman, secretly helping him with missions, even hacking the genius Riddler. But soon Batman asked her to join his team, of course she had a fangirl reaction and squealed, before accepting. Her father doesn't know what she does, and she wants to keep it that way. Personality: Introvert, Doesn't like to talk to other teens(Says that they are too Hormonal and Imbalanced), Is normally self controlled unless someone annoys her. Friends: Nightwing, Robin, Batman Family: James "Jim" Worthington Gordon(Father, Alive), Barbara Eileen Gordon(Mother, Deceased), Bruce Wayne/Batman(Father Figure & Trainer, Alive) Crush/Relationship: Batman, Maybe Others Other: She isn't afraid to mix Work & Play[/i][/center]