[b]Eve Capital's Gates[/b] Ichika was walking alone in what was supposed to be a trail in the forest. Supposed to because it was used mostly by animals and not so much for humans, but her own people were used to making their way through the dense forest using these trails. Her friend, Kukucan, was following her while hiding behind the trees for the simple fact that she did not know how people would react to such a rare specie. They could ask questions and remain passive, but the most probable option was that they kill it on sight or captures it. Ichika had a hard time trusting those from the cities, so she could only imagine the worst case scenarios. He would have to wait outside while she'd conduct her business form within the city. It was soon enough that the dense forest made place for more normal woods and, eventually, clearing. The Capital city was now in her sight, as big and scary as it always stood in her memory. Ichika had came here only once, when she was a child. So many large buildings put together like this had left an impression of something much bigger than herself to her mind, which was true. It was hard to feel at ease in such a place. It was only the necessity, and her strong will for revenge, that pushed the girl into making the decisive step, and enter the city. There were guards at the gates, but they were at about mid-day and lots of people were moving around, so no one really paid attention to her. That, or she was simply lucky not to be disturbed by guards. While she was entering the town she did see a couple of guards coming her direction with what seemed like a prisoner to Ichika. The prisoner, a woman, was clothed in a different way than anyone else in this place. More akin to what Ichika was used to, actually. She was not stupid enough to simply approach them, but her curiosity was picked, and she had a hunch towards that woman, so she decided to observe at a distance for as long as possible. [b]General Viktor Front Line's Headquarter[/b] Maria had been practicing with soldiers that were barely just out of training when she had the visit of one of the general's messenger. It had come as a surprise that he wanted to see her due to a message that just arrived classified urgent. She let the men dispose and immediately head up to the General quarters. It was some way from the training fields. Going through the inner courtyard of the fortress, she could see everyone get ready for the day and heading to their respective posts. Some of them would salute her as she passed by, some others would move faster to avoid doing such a thing. Opinions of soldiers about her were confused, mainly because she was harsh to the men when it came to training. Most of them were trainees, and had yet to see battle. Once they did, they would change opinion about the hardship of training. Few moments later, Maria was in the office of the general. Viktor was sitting in a large chair that, surprisingly, did not seem all that comfortable at all. He stood up, faced her and kept eye contact as he slowly slid a letter from one end of his desk to the other. Maria slwoly picked it up and proceeded to open it, carefully. Inside the sealed envelope was a message asking her, and a few chosen men, to make their way back to the capital as fast as possible for a special mission. The Lieutenant showed no visible sign of annoyance or acceptance of this order. Rather, she simply looked to the General for instructions. ''You do realize I have no idea what is in that letter, Lieutenant?'' She nodded respectfully. ''Yes, sir. Nonetheless, I awaits your instructions.'' She said as she handed him the letter. After reading it, the general simply sighed and looked back at the window behind him. ''I have only a few good, trustworthy men here and they want to take even that away. It has been days since I had any solid reports of the enemy, but I know it from within my guts...they will strike soon, and I do not know if I will be able to hold them from harming the nearby villages.'' Maria remained silent, knowing full well what was gonna follow. ''Go, Lieutenant. I don't know what they want and I don't care, but if it's going to be helping us hold against the Kantleans and save our only civilized kingdom, then so be it. Dismissed.'' With these words, the woman turned feet and left the room with a heavy heart. It took less than an hour to ready her best [s]canon fodder[/s] men and best mounts. Within the very next 3 to 4 hours they were descending on the capital. The only thing the letter said was that he talents had been recognized and that she was needed. The only thing [i]she[/i] understood was that she was the only talented dispensable soldier they had found. Nonetheless, she was now standing in front of the Kolkochi mansion. It was not implied she had to go there in the letter, but she had seen the name in it and she took it upon herself to pay a visit. She took hold of the fancy door metal ring they used to knock and let it's sound be heard from within the mansion.