[quote=Asuras] So basically you play pauper. [/quote] Pauper is all commons with up to five uncommons, so not really (seeing as my decks tend to have 20+ uncommons). Also, that's only for Standard. My many, many casual decks use all rarities as is normal. [quote=Drakel] I know, I'm cheep. xDLolI actually own that deck though... Overall what do you think? (other than that cheep combo I have xD ) [/quote] Honestly? Pretty bad. You've got all of six creatures that cost 3 or less, two of which are useless until the opponent has already eaten away at a fair bit of your health. Then another two that need to be killed to become offensively capable in any way, and two that are only useful if you don't use your mana. Mana which you have in very short supply. Running 20 lands is considered risky, even for a low CMC deck. You're running a high CMC deck, in two colours, with a lot of mana intensity. You have no mana ramp, no land search, no anything that will actually let you get your big creatures out. For a deck like this, you'd need 24 lands, and then one of two things (or even more preferably, both): 1) Mana acceleration. That gives either red or red and blue. You don't need blue only acceleration, as that doesn't help your firebreathing, and you only need two blue to cast your spells. 2) More cheap cards. Especially creatures. You can't just sit there with no useful creatures for the first 8+ turns while your opponent beats you into a pulp. Some recommendations? I would run four Leaden Myrs, and 4-6 total of Izzet Keyrunes and Izzet Cluestones. Your deck is trying to do too much at once. Big creature beatdown, card draw, control, mill, burn. It's too sporadic. The different strategies don't synergize that well, and require different kinds of resources. Your dragons need a lot of red mana, and fast. Control/card draw needs lots of blue mana and cantrips. Burn requires a steadily increasing power level of burn spells to stay relevant. Mill needs library manipulation and ways to bounce creatures. Plus a lot more mill than what you have. Right now, you don't have enough creatures for beatdown (only 1/5th of your cards). You don't have enough consistent card draw for that strategy. You don't have enough ways to deal with threats already on the board for control. You don't have enough defense for mill, and you don't have enough spell damage output for burn. Choose one strategy, and then one smaller strategy to support it. The one I think you'd probably go for the most is big creature beatdown, with a bit of card draw on the side. Get those Leaden Myrs and Izzet Keyrunes to give you some more creatures. Get some more Curiosities. Get a more efficient card draw than Train of Thought (1.5 mana per card drawn is a good baseline, and at least two cards*). Ditch the mill, and most of the counterspells. Perhaps keep the Negate, and get the creature variant for the sideboard. Stuff like that. *If it only draws one card, it's not giving you card advantage. You might as well have just not had the card and drawn the next thing anyway for free.