Leonardo was silent as he looked out the window, when he had seen the movement out of pure luck he thought that the infected had finally made it this far and was getting ready to move. But that thought was soon erased when the one he thought was an infected walked up the street and convened with two other men who appeared near the hummer Leonardo had seen earlier when he pulled up. He didn't know who these men were, or even where they came from, but they had a military vehicle so maybe that meant they were military, or maybe it didn't, maybe they were marauders who scored a lucky break... then again it could have been that Humvee he had passed back at Pendleton, that seemed way more likely and they had looked more military then anything. Perhaps he should go out and talk to them, there was no doubt some allies couldn't hurt in this time, and he had spent so many days alone since this started, then again he did it that way because it was easier to watch people die if you didn't know them or were their friend. Leonardo turned his head as his thoughts went back to John, looking at Chris sleeping on the couch reminded him that if he liked it or not he was not alone anymore no matter what way it went. It was better if Leonardo stopped going solo, if not for himself then for this kid Chris he had some long roads ahead and Leonardo knew they would be harder alone. Walking over to the couch Leonardo grabbed the M4 rifle and slowly gave it a once over in the dim candle light, if he had to defend himself he didn't need his gun jamming on him in the long run. Leonardo slowly pulled the blanket up to Chris's chin as he gave the kid another look, he would let him sleep, the house was secure he had made sure himself so it would be ok. Walking to the couch in front of the door Leonardo pushed it slowly and quietly aside and unlocked the door, opening it he slowly stepped out into the coldness of the night and closed it behind him, reaching his hand through the broken window he relocked it and slowly made his way down the stairs and then into the street. Leonardo slowly made his way up the street he kept the rifle cradled in his hands ready to fire if he had too but kept it pointed down so he did not immediately appear as a threat, he only walked a short distance before he was near the group of men, he stopped a couple or so or more feet away not wanting to move any closer and spoke. "Good evening I couldn't help but notice you out here, I am a former Captain of the United States Army, reinstated as of two weeks ago, my name is Leonardo and I mean you no harm." Leonardo went silent as he took in the men in front of him, they were all clearly military themselves, there was no doubt that they were at Pendleton when it fell, at least the two closest to the Humvee. The older man was the one Leonardo recognized from inside Pendleton, he did not know the others. Keeping the rifle cradled on his arms his finger was on the trigger in case they tried to pulled anything, he didn't think they would but there was no reason to be so trusting especially in times like these.