Jax laughed between the pants of trying to catch his breath. He was winded. And laughing. The combination was a wheezing sort of blowing out uncaught air, and trying to wiggle into the crows nest only made him want to laugh harder. But in the spasm of that he did manage to hand Thomas his Captain the flask. “Oh that was fun.” He finally sputtered out. “Most of what was wondered was just shown in that romantic display on deck. But,” He wiggled his fingers to encourage a swing for himself, “Tell me what it means?” Oh he was being much bolder than Jax the Helmsman would ever be. Must be the thrill of the win or the height of the night air. “ I have to wonder how it will change things. Are you playing the next caught male? Will we go to port and your sea love become another Ms Green, or Black, or Yellow? Useful I am sure. But hard to watch as well.” She was talented that Tante Tonia. He could easily admit that. Yet so much so would it be hard to know the truth? Jax watched the Captain and saw something that told him maybe not so much for him. He lowered his eyes to the flask now being his turn. “Truth is you don’t need to tell me anything.” He took a swig. “Then you can tell Antonia all her secrets are safe. And I can tease her with knowing looks that know nothing.” He looked back to the Captain and laughed. “ Before she cuts my tongue or plucks my eyes out.” “I tell you something Captain, my Captain, you sure know how to find the most perplexing and alluring women.” He laughed again and handed the flask back across the crows nest. Jax glazed down to the party beginning to spread on deck. This was a good place to be, he thought as he shifted in the tight quarters. “But thank you.” He added softly. He was thanking him for the nights fun, for the place on board, for the foresight to include amazing woman on his ship, for the direction they now sailed. He smiled up again toward the moon light. “And never fear. I will single handedly convince your love the Dusk Skate that your affection for another only increases her worth in both your eyes and hearts. Never underetimate a three some.” He laughed. Then a slight retraction hit his eyes and he added quickly, “The ship. Not me of course.”