Leon was, indeed asleep. He was tired from doing that one thing. Plus the very neat hiring of a new employee. But, thanks to Vi's rather, persistent kicking of the door. Leon was unfortunately awake. "Yes yes....I'm awake" Leon got out of whatever he was sleeping on. He didn't really bother to check. With a bit of eye focusing. Leon was able to open the door. He shook his head around, "Oh..Hello Vi, I seen you have eggs...That's great! Can you come in? Right now I'm too tired to carry anything. No use to me if their broken I guess. Well, I could use it...Right away if it wasn't on the floor and still in the egg. but, you know what I mean" Leon rubbed his eyes. "It's quite bright...or dark isn't it?" Leon stumbled backwards, "Give it a minute and I'll be awake" He grinned as he slumped back on a chair. "If...I...don't fall back asleep" Giving the situation, he stood back up. Just in case he fell back asleep. He didn't want to wake up with egg all over him.