"No, the X Divider wasn't rigged." He tried to maintain his composure. "I just lost my mind when I saw the Qubeley." He wasn't able to hide it. "Four years ago I ran into a powerful Qubeley. Seeing my favourite Hyperion getting defeated instantly scarred me. Since that battle I got a losing streak in the 7th Championship, not able to get to the knock-out phase." He hoped that he won't be made fun of by his companions and felt pathetic for thinking of that. As Lindemann placed her phone back in her pocket she noticed the Schwartz Bruder cosplayer. Juri did tell her the other day that her fanclub was getting inflated like a balloon after debuting in the tournament for the first time. When her fans were focused in Germany, it already made it's spread overseas. "Hi?" She greeted him. Torres took off his headset after the broadcasts were concluded. "Well that was another intense round." He commented. "There were some unexpected results." Saegusa nodded as he turned off the systems. "Kid does have good ideas after all." He agreed. "I'm going to check if the fourth period is fully prepared for tomorrow, then get lunch."